Fuji Rod Tip Repair Kit with Hot Melt Adhesive

Sizes Standard Sizes Micro Sizes


  • The Fuji Rod Tip Repair Kit can be easily used to glue a new rod tip on to repair or replace a broken or damaged tip, saving your fishing trip.
  • The Standard Size contains the most common rod tip sizes for precise fit on most freshwater rods. The Micro size works for micro rods. See dimensions below. If you've got a big heavy-duty saltwater rod, these may not be the tips for you.
  • Includes the hot-melt glue you'll need to stick the rod tip back on and keep it there! Once the replacement tip has cooled, you're ready to fish again!
  • Sizes in Inches: Standard (Rod Diameter: (6/64in, 7/64in, 8/64in with ring Outer Diameter 5/16in) and Micro (Sizes less than 7/64in with ring Outer Diameter 3/16in)
  • Sizes in Metric (mm): Standard (Rod Diameter: (2.4mm, 2.8mm, 3.2mm with ring Outer Diameter 8mm) and Micro (2.2mm, 2.4mm, 2.6mm with ring Outer Diameter 4.5mm)

The Fuji Rod Tip Repair Kit is a must-have for every tackle box. Damaged or Broken tip? No problem. Pop open this kit, replace your tip on the water and get back to fishing in minutes! Follow the easy directions on the package for gluing the rod tip. Use a lighter (not included) or match to heat the glue. Two sizes available, for standard sized rods and micro sized rods.