Nomad Madscad Lure

Size 4.5" 6"
Color Black Pink Mackerel Holo Ghost Shad Mack Tuna Sardine Silver Green Mackerel
The Madscad is a twitchbait that can be used on nearly every species for casting and trolling. The smaller sizes are ideal for casting to Striped Bass, Snook, redfish, jacks  and really any inshore saltwater predator. The Madscad is by far the most versatile lure in the range and just catches fish, no matter what size you choose. Everything eats madscads! With sizes ranging from small 3.5" twitchbaits that are perfect for Striped Bass, redfish, tarpon, snook, roosterfish, stripers and bluefish, through to the larger 7.5" big baits for tuna, wahoo, yellowtail, cubera and GTs, there is a Madscad for every species imaginable. The Madscad 190 has proven a highly effective wahoo and tuna trolling bait run long out the back of the spread, the wide swimming action works very well from 6-12kn troll speeds and the action is unlike any other lure you will troll. 

When casting, the Madscad sinks level, and has an erratic swimming action when twitched, producing a pronounced thumping side to side darting action. You can employ a straight retrieve as well, which will give a more subtle swimming motion. Filled with Innovative Nomad Technology, all Nomad Design Lures come fitted with the highest quality super strong BKK hooks, chosen to balance perfectly with each lure.

Model Length Weight Uses
Madscad 95 Sinking 3.75" 3/4oz Cast
Madscad 115 Sinking 4.5" 1.5oz Cast & Troll
Madscad 150 Sinking 6" 2.75oz Cast & Troll
Madscad 190 Fast Sinking 7.5" 6oz Trolling & Cast