Tourneytag - Identifier Sleeve

Option Standard Floating

The Tourneytag identifier sleeve protects CPR tournament identifiers from getting wet or lost with its armband and sealable sleeve. Have some peace of mind that your identifier won't get ruined by water or fly away, so you can focus on fishing! Featuring an adjustable armband that can be used to secure the Tourneytag around a , wrist, forearm, etc.! The armband allows the Tourneytag to slide up and down the measuring board so you can easily adjust the identifier's position for the best picture possible, no matter the size of the fish.

Key features and benefits:

  • Sealable sleeve keeps water out
  • Adjustable armband
  • Max inside card dimensions - 2.5" x 3.75"
  • Slides up and down
  • No glare for optimal picture taking